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Food is love.
Withhold, lavish.
Rinse, repeat.

You know the cliché "Everything in moderation?" Well, no thanks. Moderation is having just one brownie. Or the recommended serving size for ice cream (do you even know what that is?) Or a token cookie after every dinner. Have fun with that.

I would much rather be good 95% of the time with healthy, vibrant, and balanced meals and let the pendulum swing the other way with gusto the other 5% of the time. Being bad is delicious. Being bad is fun. Moderation is for other people. 


I am not a nutritionist. I am not a doctor. (Actually, that's a lie. I'm a doctor of something but you definitely don't want to entrust me with anything important like, say, your diet.) My calorie counts are app-supported approximations, and I work out my "macros" by the seat of my pants. I can't tell you how many calories to eat or where to get them. 

I am just a small person with a big appetite who refuses to acknowledge that these two things are supposed to be antithetical to each other. Hilarity ensues.


When I am not busy balancing all this food with a commensurate amount of exercise or adding up the numbers, I am also a fierce stress baker with a penchant for feeding others in a loving if somewhat dysfunctional way. I am also a fastidious recipe tinkerer with poor note-taking habits and even less regard for presentation.

See a nice plating, an attractive picture? That's because I had help. See a shoddy phone picture acting as a placeholder? Yeah, that's more my style.

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